
The lower reaches of Cawdor Estate remain highly fertile and provide excellent farmland. About 1, 200 hectares of the Estate is currently farmed in-hand, overseen by our farm manager and his team. Their focus is upon an arable rotation of wheat, barley and oats, with oilseed rape used as a break crop.


Plentiful coniferous and broadleaf mature woodlands cover the Estate comprising a total of 3,887 hectares. Whilst providing a valuable recreational amenity for the local community, they also form part of our commercial portfolio.

Our forestry operations are managed by Cawdor Forestry Limited, an associate company, that works closely with the Estate team and the local community to develop and deliver a sustainable forestry strategy.

Our commercial woodland is made up of Scots pine, European larch, Sitka spruce, Lodgepole pine, Douglas fir and Norway spruce. We also have a large newly created native woodland plantation consisting predominantly of broadleaf and Scots pine trees. Mature timber from managed woodlands is processed at local sawmills. The wood is then destined for anything from domestic and commercial furniture production to biomass chipping.