At Cawdor Estate, we are committed to the notion of sustainable development on ethical and good business grounds.
It is important to invest our time and energy in sustainability initiatives for the future of the Estate, our employees, their children and our shared planet. From fish stocks to woodland, we consider the impact we are making in the environment and, as custodians of the land, develop strategies to preserve and conserve.
We undertake a programme of control of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS). This work has focused on giant hogweed, knotweed and, more recently, Himalayan balsam. We work in partnership with the Spey Fishery Board as well the Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Fisheries Trust in assembling teams of volunteers able to tackle problem areas and promote the restoration of local flora and fauna.
We are exploring a number of renewable energy solutions as our interest in sustainability grows. We already harness hydropower technology, supplying our own properties and feeding into the grid, and our land plays host to a major wind farm. Our interest also extends to options for biomass and solar technology as we endeavour to meet the future energy needs of our local community whilst tackling the issues of climate change head-on. Given that the Government has proclaimed the abolition of fossil fuel-powered cars by 2030, and considering the impact this will surely have on rural communities, part of our strategy must now include electric charging points around the Estate. We are thinking expansively to provide power at the point of need.