Cawdor has a reputation as one of Scotland’s finest sporting estates, providing outstanding driven game shooting and fly salmon and trout fishing.
The Estate boasts 11, 300 hectares of beautiful moorland and carefully managed populations of indigenous red grouse, black grouse, capercaillie and released partridge and pheasant. Rising in the Monadhliath Mountains, the River Findhorn cuts through this terrain, and is famed for its large catches of river salmon, wild brown trout and sea trout.
At Cawdor Estate, we provide our sporting guests with tailor-made packages and itineraries, a service that can include ghillie support and tuition if required. Accommodation is available in our luxury holiday cottages, two of which are sited on the banks of the River Findhorn itself. Cawdor has a 70% catch and return policy to preserve fish stocks for future years. The Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Fisheries Trust promotes sustainable management of river resources and fish populations through research, restoration and education.
For further information on prices, up-to-date catch figures and fishing beat availability, please contact the Estate Office: